Imagine arriving at a remote work site, prepared to start an important task, only to encounter one delay after another. You soon discover your site induction has expired, and your employment details need updating. Before you can even alert the site team of your arrival, you’re caught up in a seven-minute phone queue just to get booked on. As you’re finally getting ready to proceed, you learn that the work required is more complex than planned, and the Risk Assessment and Method Statement (RAMS) must be updated before you can start. This means further delays as you refresh your induction, update company details, and wait for a senior team member to finish their task so they can sign off on the RAMS. While you try to make the most of this time with alternative work, the cumulative impact of these delays adds up, creating inefficiencies and pushing back the completion of what are often time-sensitive tasks.
While this example isn’t typical, it’s also not exceptional and for workers who visit different sites routinely there is a high probability of delays. The root cause of delays is typically lack of visibility of requirements to safely attend a site and complete the required task, KUDO has developed solutions to mitigate this risk and improve the efficiency of all elements of work force management both on and off site. You can skip the wait and book on and off sites with a quick tap on Connect—no need to spend time on hold, especially during busy hours. The app can be used to ensure worker details and inductions are up to date and alert users in advance site restrictions including weather events, helping workers to avoid unnecessary travel in hazardous conditions, improving safety. With Command, operators can organise and review every work requirement before site visits, ensuring teams can begin work immediately upon arrival, avoiding unnecessary downtime and improving efficiency. In addition, Command proactively alerts users to any expiring inductions, site limitations, or operational restrictions, giving workers time to resolve them ahead of time and preventing costly last-minute delays on-site.
Our Solutions: Timely and Efficient Tech
With Connect, you can:
Inform and enable workers in advance: The app provides a smooth access experience by notifying users of site requirements in advance, with integrated induction and training tools to ensure they are fully compliant before they arrive.
Communicate incidents immediately: You can quickly log incidents to trigger immediate alerts to site teams, supervisors and emergency contacts - because when a risk emerges, there’s often no time to waste.
Check in with lone workers: We alert you when lone workers stay beyond their planned departure time - so you’ll know they’re safe even if plans change unexpectedly. We also provide the option to select automatic check ins every couple of hours or at a frequency that is required with a simple swipe functionality in our app.
KUDO’s Command product has been designed to simplify work management processes for operators, remote site personnel and asset managers by providing:
A comprehensive database and workflow process: ensuring all necessary information and steps are readily accessible and easy to follow, ensuring pre-work checks including personnel authorisation can be performed smoothly within the system. Engineers and technicians can be assured that they are on the right job and can get started without delay.
Integration with other systems: supporting seamless integration with data from other systems facilitates a unified approach to work management. Command seamlessly shares real-time work data and completion reports across procurement, maintenance, and safety systems, ensuring every team has accurate, up-to-date information to improve planning and coordination.
A flexible administrative setup: allowing for flexible workflow models ensures that varied project requirements are met without compromising usability or efficiency. Users have the ability to customise asset listings, person roles and add or remove workflow stages to support site or industry specific requirements.