Meet Ben, one of our new Business Development Managers here at KUDO. Ben comes to us from Natural Power, where he has a background in recruitment. We asked him some questions about both himself and how he ended up in his role at KUDO.
How did you get into this industry?
I saw an ad for a role within Natural Power and had not considered internal recruitment before. Along with the prospect of moving into a growth industry such as renewables, it seemed like a good opportunity to try something a bit different, which was a big appeal. I applied and three interviews later started as the recruitment business partner.
What was your career path to the role you are in now?
I wouldn’t use the word path to describe my career. A lot of my earlier roles were taken with the view of a pay check, and not what was best for a long-term career. However, it taught me that I enjoy a human element and a good level of variety in what I do. Using this helped me focus on a working in a role with a good core of people, and a strong focus on future growth.
What is an after-work hobby of yours?
I enjoy listening to all kinds of weird and wonderful music. Having two kids who are both still under the age of 13 has made my focus shift from what I enjoy to what everyone enjoys. If I get the chance, you will find me on mountain somewhere convincing myself two good runs count as a successful day’s skiing. I also try and endure watching Spurs, and when I am feeling extra brave, try to make the trip down to catch a game.
What is the best career advice anyone has ever given you?
An old boss of mine would always tell me to stop comparing myself to others and instead focus my attention on doing the best I can. He also tried to convince me that a diet of scrambled eggs and a tin of tuna was a key to success. So, not all his advice was as useful.
What career advice would you give someone wanting to be in your role?
Just because someone has been doing a job for a long time, it doesn’t mean they know the best way for You to be successful. They just know what made them progress. Work out what makes you enjoy something and try to incorporate it into your day-to-day business. Also, the Sunday night fear is real, if it’s happening often, then it’s not the job for you.
What’s an accomplishment in or out of work you’re proud of?
My Kids are a pretty good accomplishment, they both seem to have their heads screwed on. I am proud I have progressed while doing things with the foundations of what I believe in still intact, and not listened to people who tend to lead with the word no.
If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?
I am lucky to have travelled well and have been to some amazing places. I have always been drawn to mountainous areas and one place that I have never made it to is the Himalayas, I would love to spend a decent amount of time there exploring both the area geographically and culturally.